Ms. Angela Vautour (Beauséjour—Petitcodiac, NDP): Mr. Speaker, first of all I would like to inform my colleague that when that comment was made, the McKenna government was actually on its way out. It was so far out that Thériault actually made a comment this week that he was trying to distance himself from the McKenna government, although he was holding his hot coffee cup, all along he was in his cabinet.
Mme Angela Vautour (Beauséjour—Petitcodiac, NPD): Monsieur le Président, je tiens à dire tout d'abord à mes collègues que quand on a fait cette observation, le gouvernement McKenna était sur ses derniers milles, à tel point que M. Thériault a dit, en fait, cette semaine, qu'il avait essayé de se distancer du gouvernement McKenna durant tout son mandat au cabinet.