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Accompanied combined transport
Adjust train direction through use of railway switches
Apply principles of Pilates training
Carry out railway switching operations
Combine principles for training in Pilates
Combined Operations Training Centre
Combined attention getter and cancel switch
Combined switch train
Integrate Pilates principles in training
Integrate principles of Pilates training
Operate railway switches
Rolling highway
Rolling road
Selection diversity combiner
Selector diversity combiner
Switching combiner
To divert a train
To switch over a train
Truck on train
Truck on train

Traduction de «combined switch train » (Anglais → Français) :

selection diversity combiner [ selector diversity combiner | switching combiner ]

équipement de diversité par commutation

Combined Operations Training Centre

Centre de formation des opérations combinées

adjust train direction through use of railway switches | control direction of trains through operation of railway switches | carry out railway switching operations | operate railway switches

actionner des aiguillages

apply principles of Pilates training | integrate Pilates principles in training | combine principles for training in Pilates | integrate principles of Pilates training

intégrer les principes de l'entraînement de Pilates

to divert a train | to switch over a train

aiguiller un train

combined attention getter and cancel switch

clignotant poussoir d'attention

combined road/rail carriage | rolling road | truck on train

route roulante | RR [Abbr.]

combined attention getter and cancel switch

clignotant poussoir d'attention

accompanied combined transport (1) | rolling highway (2) | truck on train (3)

transport combiné accompagné (1) | chaussée roulante (2) | route roulante (3) [ CR (4) | RR (5) ]
