Coming from Kitchener-Waterloo, which is an area that is not only designated as officially underserved medically but also has two universities in its community, I know that the Canadian Institutes of Health Research were really welcomed by those communities, not only as a way to bring about medical research but also as a way to attract the best and brightest, to keep them in Canada, and then see research and innovation stay in Canada.
Venant de Kitchener-Waterloo, une région qui non seulement est reconnue officiellement comme étant sous-desservie sur le plan médical, mais qui compte aussi deux universités, je sais que les instituts de recherche en santé du Canada ont été bien accueillis chez nous. Nous y voyons non seulement un moyen de stimuler la recherche médicale, mais aussi d'attirer et de retenir au Canada les plus brillants chercheurs.