A technical worksh
op organised by the Commission in February 2006 in response to the Council’s invitation to elaborate proposals for a new long-term budget support mechanism [9] targeting the best performing countries also revealed the divergent views among MS. Nevertheless, the MS agreed on the importan
ce of ensuring more predictable aid and expressed interest in the ideas put forward by the Commission for a multi-annual “MDG contract” that should focus on well performing countries and offer greater assurances of predictable funding
...[+++]in exchange for enhanced planning, monitoring and performance by beneficiaries with respect to the MDG.
En réponse à l'invitation du Conseil à formuler des propositions en vue d'un nouveau mécanisme de soutien budgétaire à long terme [9] ciblant les pays les plus performants, la Commission a organisé, en février 2006, une réunion technique qui a également révélé les divergences de vues entre les États membres.