96. The Minister may, on application made by any interested person, review an
y order made by the Commission refusing to issue a licence or revoking a licence and where, after considering the application and any material submitted to the Minister in connection therewith, the Minister is of the opinion that the issue of a licence s
hould not have been refused or the licence should not have been revoked, the Minister may in his discretion direct the Commission to issue a licence or to reinstate the revoked licence, as the case may be, on
...[+++]such conditions, if any, relating to the licence as the Minister deems proper.
96. Le ministre peut, sur demande d’un intéressé, réviser tout arrêté de la Commission portant refus de délivrance ou de révocation d’une licence. Après examen de la demande et des documents à l’appui, il peut, s’il juge la décision non fondée, faire délivrer ou rétablir la licence par la Commission aux conditions qu’il estime appropriées.