That report was held subject to determining whether the current investigations by the Privacy Commissioner with regard to the collection of private information by Google Street View, when they were doing their 360-camera pictures around the country, that other information was.In fact, Canada is involved, and there are matters to be discussed, so the committee is recommending that we not proceed with the Google Street View report or have witnesses until we've had an opportunity to consult with the Privacy Commissioner as to what her office is doing in this regard.
Actuellement, ce rapport est en attente de la conclusion de l’enquête de la commissaire à la protection de la vie privée à l'égard de la collecte de renseignements personnels par Google Street View, quand l’équipe s’est déplacée partout au Canada pour prendre des photos à 360 degrés et que d'autres informations ont été. En fait, le Canada y participe, et il faut discuter de certaines questions.