165. Where at any time it appears to the satisfaction of the Governor in Council on a report from the Minister that goods, the exportation of which from any country is the subject of an arrangement or commitment between the Government of Canada and the government of that country, are being imported in a manner that circumvents the arrangement or commitment, the Governor in Council may, by regulation, prohibit or otherwise control the importation of goods to which the arrangement or commitment relates.
165. Le gouverneur en conseil peut, par règlement, prohiber ou, d’une façon générale, contrôler l’importation de marchandises dont l’exportation en provenance d’un État étranger est assujettie à des arrangements ou engagements passés entre le Canada et cet État, s’il constate, sur le rapport du ministre, qu’elles sont importées de manière à contourner ces arrangements ou engagements.