It is planned to carry out a number of operations that will have an immediate impact on living conditions and production, notably through direct job creation. In addition, there are specific objectives for each aspect of the programme : (i) the action in the shanty towns will be aimed first and foremost at relieving the social pressures which are particularly severe in those places, through the creation of jobs involving work that is of direct assistance to the shanty towns themselves ; (ii) the aim of the operations in rural areas is to remove, where preliminary work has already been carried out, a number of specific bottlenecks that are holding up agricultural development : shortage of tools or lack of suitable ones, lack of access to cr
...[+++]edit, water supply problems, poor communications, and so on ; (iii) in education, the main concern is to increase the effectiveness of elementary teaching, including literacy for adults, with the aim of contributing directly to the democratization process.Il se propose de realiser un certain nombre d'actions ayant des effets immediats sur les conditions de vie et de production, se traduisant notamment par la creation directe d'emplois Chaque volet d'intervention obeit par ailleurs a des objectifs specif
iques : - En ce qui concerne le volet d'intervention dans les bidonvilles, il s'agit avant tout d'alleger les pressions sociales qui y sont particulierement fortes par la creation de postes de travail au service direct des bidonvilles eux-memes ; - Pour les interventions dans les zones rurales, le but est, la ou un travail prealable a deja ete realise, de lever certains blocages ponctuels
...[+++]qui compromettent le developpement agricole : outillage insuffisant ou inadapte, absence d'acces au credit, difficultes de l'approvisionnement en eau, enclavement,.; - Dans le domaine de l'education, il s'agit d'accroitre l'efficacite de l'enseignement elementaire, y compris l'alphabetisation des adultes, et d'apporter de la sorte un soutien direct au processus de democratisation.