Dick Harris moved, That Clause 27 be amended by replacing line 6 et 7 page 21 by the following: " th
e arbitration board considers such submissions provided in
such form or by
such method considered appropriate or to which the parties agree provided on
such method be final offer selection arbitration; " Debate arose thereon. The question being put on the amendment, it was negatived on the following recorded division: YEAS Harris, Dick Jaffer, Rahim Schmidt, Werner 3 NAYS Barnes, Sue Bradshaw, Claudette Calder, Murray Chamberlain, Brenda Girald-Bujold, Joc
...[+++]elyne McCormick, Larry McKay, John Myers, Lynn Wilfert, Bryon 9 The question being put on Clause 27, it carried on the following recorded division: YEAS Barnes, Sue Bradshaw, Claudette Chamberlain, Brenda Jennings, Marlene McCormick, Larry McKay, John Myers, Lynn Wilfert, Bryon 8 NAYS Girald-Bujold, Jocelyne Jaffer, Rahim Johnston, Dale 3 On Clause 28.Rob Anders propose, - Que l’article 34 soit modifié par substitution, à la ligne 2,
page 26, de ce qui suit : " en vigueur pendant les dix-huit mois qui suivent la " Après débat, l’amendement, mis aux voix, est rejeté par le vote par appel nominal suivant POUR Anders, Rob Harris, Dick Kenney, Jason 3 CONTRE Assad, Mark Barnes, Sue Chamberlain, Brenda Cullen Roy Dumas, Maurice Lee, Derek Martin, Pat McCormick, Larry Saada, Jacques 9 L’article 34 est adopté par le vote par appel nominal suivant : POUR Assad, Mark Barnes, Sue Bradshaw, Claudette Chamberlain, Brenda Cullen, Roy Lee, Derek Martin, Pat McCormick, Larry Saada, Jacques 9 CONTR
...[+++]E Anders, Rob Dumas, Maurice Kenney, Jason 3