Studies show that as much as 30-35 % of construction costs can be directly linked to waste in process and production ("Waste in construction projects - call for a new approach", Josephson/Saukkoriipi, The Centre for Management of the Built Environment Building Economics and Management, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg 2007.) A reduction of unnecessary costs in the construction sector would significantly increase the number of renovations that improves energy efficiency in buildings, since these renovations would be much cheaper for end-users.
Des études montrent que 30 à 35 % des coûts de construction sont directement liés à des dépenses inutiles lors du processus de construction ("Waste in construction projects - call for a new approach", Josephson/Saukkoriipi, Centre for Management of the Built Environment Building Economics and Management, Université technologique de Chalmers, Gothenburg, 2007).