My special guests will include: Allison Bain, associate managing director of the Toronto International Film Festival; Pia Bouman, of the Pia Bouman School for Ballet and Creative Movement; Marilyn Bruner, president of St. Joseph's Health Centre; Diane Jermyn, entrepreneur, owner of Blues on Bellair; Linda Leblanc, volunteer and community activist; and Olha Zawerucha-Swyntuch, president of the Ukrainian Canadian Social Services.
J'honorerai tout particulièrement Allison Bain, codirectrice adjointe du Festival international du film de Toronto; Pia Bouman, de la Pia Bouman School for Ballet and Creative Movement; Marylin Bruner, présidente du St. Joseph's Health Centre; Diane Jermyn, entrepreneure et propriétaire de Blues on Bellair; Linda Leblanc, bénévole et militante communautaire; et Olha Zawerucha-Swyntuch, présidente des Ukrainian Canadian Social Services.