It is a pleasu
re to have with us, from Child Care Connections Nova Scotia, Elaine Ferguson, executive director; from the Nova Scotia School Boards Association, Mary Jess MacDonald, first vice-president, and Lavinia Parrish-Zwicker, president; from the MacKillop Centre for Social Justice the director, Mary Boyd; from the Annapolis Valley-Hants Community Action Program for Children, Pauline Raven, regional coordinator; and from the Nova Scotia New Democrati
c Party the finance critic, Mr. Graham Steele ...[+++].
Nous sommes heureux d'accueillir, de Child Care Connections Nova Scotia, Mme Elaine Ferguson, directrice exécutive, de l'Association des conseils scolaires de la Nouvelle-Écosse, Mme Mary Jess MacDonald, première vice-présidente, et Mme Lavinia Parrish-Zwicker, présidente, du MacKillop Centre for Social Justice, Mme Mary Boyd, directrice, de l'Annapolis Valley-Hants Community Action Program for Children, Mme Pauline Raven, coordonnatrice régionale, et du Nova Scotia New Democratic Parti, M. Graham Steele, porte-parole de son parti en matière de finance.