Now imagine the following scenario: parents forbid their children to cross the road until they are adults, because they are not independent; as adults, if they cross the road, the authorities imprison them for breaking the prohibition – whether or not they have crossed the road successfully - , or, if they are involved in an accident, treatment is provided only on condition that they promise never to cross the road again.
Imaginez maintenant la situation suivante: les parents interdisent au petit de traverser la rue jusqu’à l’âge adulte, car jugé non autonome; adulte, s’il la traverse, les autorités le mettent en prison pour avoir brisé l’interdit peu importe qu’il ait ou non traversé la rue avec succès , ou encore, si un accident est arrivé, on met comme condition d’accès aux soins, la promesse qu’il ne traversera plus jamais la rue.