Those transactions which currently appear in List C
are as follows : a) long-term credits (five years and more) related to commercial transactions or to the provision of services in which a resident is participating : as the current liberalization obligations already cover short- and medium- term credits, it seems logical to extend them to long-term credits, which are also involved in the free movements of goods and
services; - 3 - b) acquisition by residents of foreign securities and by non- residents of domestic securities : the cu
...[+++]rrent liberaliza- tion obligations cover only securities traded on a stock exchange and provide for exceptions for the acquisition of units of unit trusts and for the acquisition by residents of foreign bonds issued on a foreign market and denominated in national currency.Ces operations, actuellement reprises dans la liste C, sont: - les credits a long terme (5 ans et plus) lies a des tran sactions commerciales ou a des prestations de services auxquelles participe un resident. Les obligations de li
be ration actuelles couvrent deja les credits commerciaux a court et moyen terme, il parait donc logique de les eten dre aux credits a long terme qui participent aussi a la libre circulation des biens e
t des services. - l'acquisition par des residents de titre etrangers et par de liberation actuelles ne porte
...[+++]nt que sur les titres negocies en bourse et prevoient des exceptions pour l'acquisition de parts de fonds de placement et pour l'acquisition par un resident d'obligations etrangeres emises sur un marche etranger et libellees en monnaie nationale.