(2) A regular member or special cons
table member who is hospitalized at the time of the member’s discharge from the Force is entitled to the medical treatment described in s
ection 83 after the date of discharge until such time as the regular member or speci
al constable member leaves the hospital of the member’s volition or until the medical practitioner in charge of the member’s case directs that the member is fit to be discharged
...[+++]from the hospital.(2) Le membre régulier ou le membre spécial qui est hospitalisé au moment d’être renvoyé de la Gendarmerie a le droit de recevoir les soins médicaux prévus à l’article 83 après la date de son renvoi jusqu’à ce qu’il quitte l’hôpital de son propre chef ou sur l’ordre de son médecin.