I really don't think there was a conspiracy in place, no. Ms. Judy Wasylycia-Leis: Do you think it was his intention to have people around him and have the work divided up so that no one ever really knew what was going on completely, but only he knew what was going on; that therefore you were useful to him in carrying out the necessary components to the job, but never had enough information to be able to question his decisions?
Je ne crois vraiment pas qu'on avait monté un complot, non. Mme Judy Wasylycia-Leis: Pensez-vous qu'il s'organisait pour que le travail et les gens autour de lui soient séparés du reste de façon à ce que personne ne sache vraiment complètement ce qui se passait sauf lui; ainsi, vous lui étiez utile pour exécuter certains aspects du travail, mais vous n'aviez jamais assez d'informations pour mettre en question sa décision?