I was wondering if you would agree that there's a correlation between the whole aspect of pesticides and farming, loss of soil—and all that has been documented by the Senate report, among many others—and what has happened in the tobacco industry, where we waited almost until we had undeniable proof that cancers were happening, lungs were being destroyed, and thousands of deaths were happening before we started to do something about it.
Je me demandais si vous conviendriez qu'il existe une corrélation entre toute cette question des pesticides en agriculture, la perte des sols—et tout cela figure dans le rapport sénatorial, entre autres—et ce qui s'est passé dans le secteur du tabac, où nous avons presque attendu d'avoir des preuves indéniables que le tabac causait le cancer, détruisait les poumons, et que des milliers de décès se soient produits avant que nous commencions à réagir.