A Community based on law With regard to the directives before the Council which had become bogged down and, in particular, the Directive on parental leave, the Commission did not intend to withdraw them for the time being/.- 2 - Mr Delors pointed out that a Community based on law could evolve in several ways and in this connection he ho
ped that the social dialogue undertaken last year at Community level would integrate the problems of equal treatment in particular in regard to the introduction of new technologies, which affect
ed women especially since ...[+++] they frequently occupied less skilled posts likely to be rationalized or abolished.La communaute de droit . Concernant les directives en panne devant le Conseil, et en particulier celle relative au conge parental, la Commission n'entend pas pour l'instant les retirer La progression de la Communaute de droit peut emprunter a indique le President DELORS plusieurs voies. A cet egard, i
l a souhaite que le dialogue social entrepris l'an dernier a l'echelle communautaire integre les problemes d'egalite hommes- femmes, notamment en matiere d'introduction des nouvelles technologies qui concernent particulierement les femmes lesquelles occupent souvent des postes moins qualifies et appeles a etre rationalises ou supprimes/.- 2
...[+++]- .