Chris Woodcock appears at the centre of a cash for repayment cover-up that involved Duffy, Wright, Gerstein, Perrin, Hamilton, Byrne, Rogers, Novak, van Hemmen, LeBreton, Tkachuk and Stewart Olsen, the Prime Minister's entire entourage, for more than three months, yet the Prime Minister noticed nothing, was told nothing, asked nothing, did nothing to head off a criminal conspiracy right under his nose? It is still going on.
Chris Woodcock semble avoir été au coeur du stratagème de remboursement occulte qui, sur une période de trois mois, a impliqué les Duffy, Wright, Gerstein, Perrin, Hamilton, Byrne, Rogers, Novak, van Hemmen, LeBreton, Tkachuk et Stewart Olsen, c'est-à-dire tout l'entourage du premier ministre, qui n'aurait pourtant rien remarqué.