The Commission will also attach top priority to implementation of the strengthened procedures for mutual assistance in customs and agricultural matters. It will consider the possibility of extending the system of administrative penalties to all areas of the budget. It will set up task forces in sensitive areas where the complex nature and transnational dimension of fraud generate the need for a specific structure at Community level. 6.5 STATISTICS The Co
mmission intends to maintain an efficient European statistical system to
provide it with the figures it requir ...[+++]es to meet the new challenges facing the Community. Action will continue under the 1994-97 statistical programme to develop a Community statistical area by establishing a set of standards, methods and organizational structures for the production of comparable, reliable and relevant statistics throughout the Community. The proposal on structural statistics on businesses that was planned under the 1994 legislative programme will also be finalized. The overall aim is to provide the institutions and Member States with the information they need to implement, monitor and evaluate Community policies and to supply all those in the economic and social sphere with essential data (i) Main new initiatives and legislative proposals - Monetary and financial indicators; structural indicators. - Community balance-of-payments data-gathering system.Mise en oeuvre de la proposition prévue dans le programme législatif pour 1994 en matière de statistiques structurell
es des entreprises, afin que les institutions et les Etats membres disposent des informations nécessaires pour la mise en oeuvre, le suivi et l'évaluation des politique
s communautaires et diffusent à l'ensemble des acteurs économiques et sociaux l'information indispensable (i) Principales initiatives et propositions législatives nouvelles - Indicateurs monétaires et financiers-indicateurs structurels (Règlement) - Systè
...[+++]me communautaire de collecte de la balance des paiements (Règlement). - Enquête européenne annuelle auprès des entreprises/industries (Règlement).