I, therefore, wish to make special mention of the surviving crew members of the original Bluenose: Don Bailly, Captain Perry Conrad, Robert Cook, Paul Crouse, Robert Crouse, Captain Ellswork Greek, Clement Hiltz, Captain Matthew Mitchell, Merrill Tanner and Paul Wentzell, all of Lunenburg; Harold Rafuse of Bridgewater; Clyde Eisnor of Mahone Bay, John Carter of Halifax, and Captain Claude Darrach of Herring Cove.
J'aimerais mentionner tout particulièrement les membres toujours vivants de l'équipage original du
Bluenose, soit: Don Bailly, le capitaine Perry Conrad, Robert Cook, Paul Crouse
, Robert Crouse, le capitaine Ellswork Greek, Clement Hiltz, le capitaine Matthew Mitchell, Merrill Tanner et Paul Wentzell, tous de Lunenburg, ainsi que Harold Rafuse, de Bridgewater, Clyde Eis
nor, de Mahone Bay, John Carter, de Halifax et le capitaine Cla
...[+++]ude Darrach, de Herring Cove.