According to PhoneBusters, for the calendar year ending December 2008, a total of more than $9 million in losses was reported on the basis of over 11,000 complaints (6) The Canadian Council of Better Business Bureaus points out that identity theft is the fastest growing type of frau
d in North America, with the cost to consumers, banks, credit card firms, stores and other businesses estimated to be in the billions of dollars each year (7) Of note is th
e fact that this is double ...[+++] the amount of money lost but half the number of victims from the year before, which might indicate that identity theft is becoming more profitable and that there are increasingly more ways to make money from the actual fraud related to it.
Selon PhoneBusters, on a enregistré, pour l’année civile qui s’est terminée en décembre 2008, plus de 11 000 plaintes signalant des pertes totales de plus de neuf millions de dollars(6).