That is the first pillar. Secondly, entrepreneurship must be promoted so that we see more companies and jobs created, partly through the removal of constricting regulations and bureaucratic arrangements. Thirdly, adaptability and flexibility must be promoted so that companies become more competitive. And fourthly, more opportunities must be provided for combining working life and family life so that there is a real opportunity for women to achieve equality in the labour market, leading to an improvement in the employment situation where women are concerned.
Il faut, en troisième lieu, promouvoir l'adaptabilité et la flexibilité afin d'accroître la compétitivité des entreprises et il faut, en quatrième lieu, faciliter la conciliation entre vie professionnelle et vie familiale afin d'offrir aux femmes une réelle possibilité d'atteindre un statut d'égalité sur le marché de l'emploi et d'améliorer la situation des femmes en matière d'emploi.