The Commission met its representatives in June 1985 and April 1986. - 2 - - public procurement: here, the representatives of the Round Table said they had lived with the segmentation of national markets for a long time, but that they were now sure
that opening up the European market would be in their interest, since the advantages of scale and competitiveness would outweigh the risk of competition; - transport; - company law: in particular the European company statute without which, said the representatives of the Round Table, trans-European firms came up against unnecessary and expensive problems; - the liberalization of capital move
...[+++]ments: indispensable, according to the representatives of the Round Table; - the approximation of indirect taxation".Il s'agit notamment : - des normes
techniques; - des marches publics (a cet egard, les representants de la "Table Ronde" ont declare avoir longtemps vecu avec le cloisonnement des marches nationaux, mais etre maintenant convaincus que les avant
ages de l'ouverture europeenne, avec l'effet de dimension et de competitivite qu'elle permet, l'emportent sur les risques de concurrence); - des transports; - du droit des societes (et notamment l'elaboration d'un statut de "societe europeenne" en l'absence duquel, selon les representants de
...[+++]la "Table Ronde", les entreprises transeuropeennes se heurtent a d'inutiles et couteuses difficultes); - de la liberation des mouvements de capitaux (que les representants de la Table Ronde estiment indispensable); - du rapprochement des fiscalites indirectes".