MURE Database Simulation 2000, S
OS Italy; Economic Evaluation of Sectoral Emissions Reduction Objectives for climate change, Blok and Joosen, ECOFYS, Utrecht, 2000; Energy Efficiency Indicators, ODYSSEE, ADEME, Paris, 2004; Powering Profits: How Companies turn energy efficiency into shareholder value, Green Business Letter, April 2005; Improving energy efficiency by 5% and more per year, K. Blok, to be published in Journal of Industrial Ecology; The Potential for more efficient electricity use in Italy, F. Krause; The Energy Efficiency Challenge, WWF, 2005; World Energy Assessment 2000 and 2004 update, UNDP Website; European Coun
...[+++]cil for an energy efficient economy, Proceedings 2005 Summer study: Energy savings, What works and who delivers?, www.eceee.orgMURE Database Simulation 2000, S
OS Italy; Economic Evaluation of Sectoral Emissions Reduction Objectives for climate change, Blok and Joosen, ECOFYS, Utrecht, 2000; Energy Efficiency Indicators, ODYSSEE, ADEME, Paris, 2004; Powering Profits: How Companies turn energy efficiency into shareholder value, Green Business Letter, April 2005; Improving energy efficiency by 5% and more per year, K. BloK, to be published in Journal of Industrial Ecology; The Potential for more efficient electricity use in Italy, F. Krause:,The Energy Efficiency Challenge, WWF, 2005; World Energy Assessment 2000 and 2004 update, UNDP Website; European Counc
...[+++]il for an energy efficient economy, Proceedings 2005 Summer study: Energy savings, What works and who delivers? ,