Despite the fact that Japan suffered
one of the biggest ever earthquakes recorded, followed by one of the biggest tsunamis that has ever occurred, even though they were not prepared for them, even though they had not even carried o
ut the improvements suggested, even though nothing had been done t
o ensure that there would be a supply of power in the event of emergencies, and even though the Japanese made other mistakes right at the
...[+++]start, there were few personal injuries.
Le Japon a souffert l'un des tremblements de terre les plus puissants jamais enregistrés, suivi d'un des tsunamis les plus grands jamais vécus. Il n'était pas préparé, n'avait même pas procédé aux améliorations suggérées et n’avait prévu aucune alimentation électrique de rechange en cas d'urgence. Malgré tout cela, malgré toutes les erreurs commises en amont par les Japonais, il y a eu très peu de dommages corporels.