“(N)ever, under any circumstances” can states parties directly or indirectly use, develop, produce, acquire, stockpile, retain or transfer cluster munitions to anyone.28 The prohibition on both direct and indirect actions refle
cts an intention to extend the prohibitions in the conventi
on to cover a broad range of activity, and an attempt to prevent states parties from interpreting the treaty in a manner that allows them to avoid their obligations.29 Moreover, states parties must not encourage, induce or assist others to engage in such
...[+++] activities.30 In their relations with other states, states parties must encourage non-ratifying states to accept the convention, notify non-states parties of their obligations, promote the norms in the convention and make best efforts to discourage other states from using cluster munitions.31
« [E]n aucune circonstance » les États parties ne peuvent, directement ou indirectement, employer, mettre au point, produire, acquérir, stocker, conserver ou transférer à quiconque des armes à sous-munitions28. L’interdiction d’actions directes et indirectes reflète l’intention d’étendre les interdictions prévues dans la Convention sur une vaste gamme d’activités, ainsi que la tentative d’empêcher les États parties d’interpréter le traité d’une manière qui leur permette de se dérober à leurs obligations29.