Because we are wheat farmers and we feed wheat to hogs, we'll comment on the potential demand that was there in 1994 and 1995, where Canada and the United States produced 9 million metric tonnes of pork—about one of that was exported out of Canada—and China produced 33 million tonnes in their own country, went in one year to 36 million tonnes, increased 3 million tonnes in one year, which was three times what we exported out of the country at that time, and they never met their demand in China.
Parce que nous sommes des producteurs de blé et que nous nourrissons les porcs avec du blé, nous songeons à la demande potentielle qui existait en 1994 et 1995. En effet, le Canada et les États-Unis produisaient 9 millions de tonnes métriques de porc—une tonne métrique étant exportée du Canada—et la Chine produisait 33 millions de tonnes chez elle.