Mr. Chairman, we're concerned about this reasoning because it runs counter to the purpose of CEAA, which is to ensure that the environmental effects of projects receive careful consideration before federal decisions are taken. Without the information gained through the application of CEAA, federal decision-makers would have little, if any, information about the potential environmental impacts of projects that proceed as a result of their decisions (0930) Mr. Robert Connelly: Thank you for explaining the litigation to us and to the committee, Heather.
Sans l'information recueillie grâce à l'application de la LCEE, les décideurs fédéraux disposeraient de peu ou pas d'information concernant les effets possibles sur l'environnement des projets entrepris par suite de leurs décisions (0930) M. Robert Connelly: Je vous remercie d'avoir expliqué le litige au Comité, Heather.