The Crow benefit and statutory rates, which we called the Crowsnest Pass rates, were something that irritated the livestock industry because they created an artificially high price for feed grains, in that they could be moved to an international market and access a price at a port; whereas if feed grains were not subsidized then they would have to be marketed domestically, and that would lower the price.
La subvention du Nid-de-Corbeau et les taux réglementaires, aussi appelés taux du Pas du Nid-de-Corbeau, ont irrité l'industrie de l'élevage, car ils gonflaient artificiellement le prix des grains fourragers afin d'en favoriser l'expédition vers les marchés internationaux; or, si les grains fourragers n'étaient pas subventionnés, il faudrait les vendre au pays, ce qui occasionnerait une baisse du prix.