Esau, and Paul Koring of The Globe and Mail” in first order; that we move them to the front of the pack in terms of the order of the amendment that has been suggested, followed by all the rest. I'm cognizant of the fact that the other proposals around subamendments have not been fruitful and have not been adopted, but if we put “Jeff Esau, and Paul Koring of The Globe and Mail” in first position, that would be, I suppose, a proposed amendment to the order, a subtle change in the order of this amendment, that honourable members consider.
Je sais bien que les autres propositions de sous-amendement ont été rejetées, mais si nous pouvions inscrire les noms de Jeff Esau et de Paul Koring, du Globe and Mail, au premier rang, cela constituerait un amendement proposé à l'ordre de comparution, un changement subtil dans l'ordre de comparution de cet amendement, que les honorables députés pourraient envisager.