The Commission states that, in this case, there are no compelling reasons of general interest, within the meaning of the case law of the Court of Justice, such as cultural-policy objectives, which could justify the monopoly held by VTM. The cultural-policy objectives origin
ally invoked by the Flemish Executive (maintaining pluralism in the Flemish press by means of the advertising revenue of VTM, whose shareholders are publishers of Flemi
sh daily and weekly newspapers and magazines) cannot be pursued using means which have the effect
...[+++]of eliminating all competition and, in addition, provide no guarantee that the advertising revenue will be used to benefit daily and weekly newspapers and magazines.Les objectifs de politique culturelle invoqués par l'exécutif flamand (maintien du pluralisme dans la presse écrite flamande via les recettes publicitaires de VTM, dont les actionnaires sont des éditeurs de quotidiens flamands) ne peuvent être poursuivis par des moyens qui reviennent à éliminer toute concurrence et qui, de surcroit, ne donnent aucune garantie quant à l'affectation des recettes publicitaires au soutien des journaux.