Concerning, next, the calculation of the remunera
tion of transferred workers, the Court considers that, whilst it is permissible for the transferee to apply, from the date of transfer, the working conditions laid down by the coll
ective agreement in force with the transferee, including
those concerning remuneration, the arrangements chosen for salary integration of the transferred workers must be in conformity with the aim of EU legislation on protection of the rights of tr
...[+++]ansferred workers, which consists, in essence, of preventing those workers from being placed in a less favourable position than before solely as a result of the transfer.
Directive 77/187/CEE du Conseil, du 14 février 1977, concernant le rapprochement des législations des États membres relatives au maintien des droits des travailleurs en cas de transferts d’entreprises, d’établissements ou de parties d’établissements (JO L 61, p. 26) et la directive 2001/23/CE du Conseil, du 12 mars 2001, concernant le rapprochement des législations des États membres relatives au maintien des droits des travailleurs en cas de transfert d’entreprises, d’établissements ou de parties d’entreprises ou d’établissements (JO L 82, p. 16).