Other historians hold that although Alexander Mackenzie (Lambton) was not formally appointed Leader of the Opposition until March 6, 1873 when he assumed the leadership of the Liberal Party, he was de facto Leader of the Opposition as early as 1869 (See William Buckingham and George Ross, The Hon. Alexander Mackenzie: His Life and Times, 5 ed., (Toronto, Rose Publishing, 1892) pp. 242, 254, 329; J. C. Courtney, “Party Leadership Selection in the New Dominion”, Canadian Political Party Systems: A Leader, edited by R. K.
D’autres historiens soutiennent que, même si Alexander Mackenzie (Lambton) ne fut nommé officiellement chef de l’Opposition que le 6 mars 1873, lorsqu’il prit la direction du Parti libéral, il était en fait chef de l’Opposition dès 1869 (Voir William Buckingham et George Ross, The Hon. Alexander Mackenzie : His Life and Times, 5 éd (Toronto : Rose Publishing, 1892), p. 242, 254, 329; J.C. Courtney, « Party Leadership Selection in the New Dominion », Canadian Political Party Systems : A Leader, publié sous la direction de R. K.