(a) for the purposes of paragraph 6(d), an individual is considered to deal at arm’s length with a related person if the Minister is satisfied that, having regard to the circumstances — including the terms and conditions of the individual’s employment with the former employer, their remuneration and the duration, nature and importance of the work performed for the former employer — it is reasonable to conclude that the individual would have entered into a substantially similar contract of employment with the former employer if they had been dealing with each other at arm’s length; and
a) pour l’application de l’alinéa 6d), il est réputé n’exister aucun lien de dépendance si le ministre est convaincu, compte tenu des circonstances, notamment des modalités d’emploi de la personne auprès de son ancien employeur, de sa rétribution, ainsi que de la durée, la nature et l’importance du travail accompli, qu’il est raisonnable de conclure que celle-ci a conclu avec lui un contrat de travail en substance pareil à celui qu’elle aurait conclu n’eût été le lien de dépendance;