If we are in the process of considering the removal of country A from the list and there was in fact a litigation proceeding through the courts against that country, if I were the Minister of Foreign Affairs, or the deputy minister or the desk officer for that part of the world, my recommendation to the Government of Canada would be that in going through the process of removing country A from the list, can we get a sign of good faith from them so as to help us deal with this legitimate litigation that is in the courts.
Si nous étions en train d'examiner la possibilité de retirer le pays A de la liste alors que ce pays fait déjà l'objet de poursuites devant les tribunaux, et si j'étais le ministre des Affaires étrangères, ou le sous-ministre, ou la personne responsable de cette partie du monde, je recommanderais au gouvernement du Canada, avant de retirer le pays de la liste, de s'assurer de sa bonne foi et de lui demander sa collaboration relativement à ce cas devant les tribunaux.