I guess one of the purposes will be shortly to raise this issue on the agenda of parliamentarians and also before the public. We talked about a brochure, but I think perhaps it's a comment or perhaps it's a question that some kind of briefing would be useful, and it doesn't have to be a 100-page briefing note, on the nature of the problem, the extent of the problem, the cost of the problem on an international basis, what geographical areas of the world we're dealing with.
Nous avons parlé d'un dépliant, mais je crois—s'agit-il d'une observation ou d'une question?—qu'un document de synthèse quelconque serait utile, pas nécessaire une note d'information de 100 pages, mais un document expliquant la nature du problème, son ampleur, ce qu'il en coûte à l'échelle internationale et les régions du globe qui retiennent notre attention.