I'm not trying to sow seeds of dissent or paranoia within your two affiliations, but if CSC were to make an inaccurate recommendation or to gild the lily and make a presentation in their report that perhaps wasn't really reflective of what was going on within the institution, the parole board has no way to independently check on that recommendation, that is to say, whether they were in fact on good behaviour while on the inside.
Je ne tente pas de semer la dissension ou de provoquer la paranoïa entre vos deux organisations mais si le SCC devait faire une recommandation erronée, tirer des conclusions trop optimistes ou faire des déclarations dans le rapport qui ne refléteraient pas la situation au sein de l'établissement, la CNLC n'a aucun moyen indépendant de vérifier le bien-fondé de la recommandation, c'est-à-dire l'évaluation du bon comportement du détenu.