However, the following additions have been made to the Commision's initial proposals : a) These are now annual ceilings, ranging from 1.20% of GNP in 1988 to 1.30% of GNP in 1992, on the amount of our resources which may be called in within the overall ceiling of 1.4% of GNP. Observance of these ceilings is based on a strict relationship between commitment appropriations and payment appropriations throughout this five-year period.
Toutefois a noter, par rapport aux propositions originales, les elements supplementaires suivants: a) L'introduction, a l'interieur du cadre global de 1,4 % PNB, de plafonds annuels d'appel des ressources qui se situent entre 1,20 % du PNB en 1988 et 1,30 % du PNB en 1992; le respect de ces plafonds repose sur le maintien d'une relation stricte entre CE (credits d'engagement) et CP (credits de paiement) tout au long de la periode quinquennale.