Mr. Nystrom was speaking about having a parliamentary committee, but is it possible as well that there should be a more neutral and objective decision process, perhaps that is extremely transparent, similar to what's going to happen with the Competition Bureau but beyond that a little more holistic in nature, where effectively the minister or any
parliamentarian who goes against the ultimate rec
ommendation of this group that say was studying one particular
merger or another would re ...[+++]ally have to answer some hard questions as to why this was a bad thing? Isn't there potential for an arm's-length agency that would be able to pursue—
M. Nystrom parlait de l'éventualité d'un comité parlementaire, mais est-il également possible de prévoir un processus de décision plus neutre et objectif, qui peut-être serait transparent—comme c'est le cas de ce qui va se passer au Bureau de la concurrence—tout en étant un peu plus holistique.