In response to the concerns voiced in particular at the Tampere and The Hague Summits, the Commission included among its priorities for the financial perspective 2007-2013 the task of achieving an overall level of security for the European Union which would, on account of its excellence, be a pillar giving full meaning to the concept of European citizenship. This is an ambitious project, since the security situation in Europe is characterised by an increase in risks and threats which have not, however, become any more visible than they were before.
Conformément aux préoccupations exprimées notamment lors des sommets de Tampere et de La Haye, la Commission s'est fixée, parmi ses priorités au titre des perspectives financières 2007-2013, de doter l'Union européenne d'un niveau global de sécurité dont l'excellence en fera un des piliers qui confèreront au concept de citoyenneté européenne sa pleine signification : vaste chantier, car le contexte de sécurité européen est marqué par l’accroissement des risques et menaces sans que pour autant celles-ci soient plus visibles.