She had a half-sibling: One of her mothers had given birth to her, and one had given birth to her sibling, and she said to the court that what the donor was suggesting was that her non-biological mother, her half-sibling and the donor was one family, and that she, her biological mother and the other donor was a separate family, and that was not how she saw we her own family.
L'une de ses mères lui a donné naissance, l'autre a donné naissance à un autre enfant, et, dans son témoignage, elle a expliqué que ce que le donneur laissait entendre, c'est que sa mère adoptive, l'autre enfant et le donneur constituaient une famille, et qu'elle, sa mère biologique et l'autre donneur étaient une autre famille, ce qui ne correspondait pas à son idée de sa famille.