More importantly, what was missing, I think, is that within that budget, $90 million—and this was the only risk to the city within this whole project budget, as we were taking the risk of utility locations, which were estimated to be in the order of $40 million to $50 million downtown—there were significant logistical issues, construction season issues, in terms of our ability, working with Bell Canada and the other utilities, to make those utility relocations happen in the sequence in which they needed to happen in order not to impact the timeline the consortium had the right to expect in terms of moving in and doing their construction.
Chose plus importante, ce qui manquait, je pense, c'est que dans ce budget de 90 millions de dollars — et c'était là le seul risque assumé par la ville dans l'ensemble du projet étant donné que nous devions nous occuper des services publics, dont les coûts étaient estimés de 40 à 50 millions de dollars pour le centre-ville —, il y avait d'importants problèmes de logistique et de saison de construction.