The Chair: Ladies and gentlemen, since we're trying to come up with solutions to better the viability of the airline industry in Canada, one of the solutions that has been recommended is that we ask Industry Canada how best we can bring to the attention of the travelling public, not only in Canada but the United States, how they can assist in getting Canadians back to having assurance in the airline industry that it's safe, it's compatible with the transborder traffic, that it's not only a great means of tourism, but that it's vital to the future of Canada.
Si Air Canada laisse tomber certains vols vers des régions rurales, vers le nord ou vers le sud, parce qu'il n'y a pas d'argent à faire, comment un transporteur comme le vôtre pourrait-il offrir ces vols, non rentables d'après Air Canada? M. Murray Leitch: Cette question comporte divers éléments.