70. With regard to the breach of Article 27(3) of the Rules Governing the Payment of Expenses and Allowances, the applicant considers that, contrary to the requirements of that provision, the Secretary-General was satisfied, without having previously consulted the Quaestors, as from the date of his decision of 26 February 2003 (see paragraph 41 above) that the sum of EUR 176 516 had been improperly paid.
70 S’agissant de la violation de l’article 27, paragraphe 3, de la réglementation FID, le requérant considère que, contrairement à ce qu’impose cette disposition, le secrétaire général avait, sans avoir consulté les questeurs au préalable, acquis la certitude, dès sa décision du 26 février 2003 (voir point 41 ci-dessus), que la somme de 176 516 euros avait été indûment versée.