Resorting to such options will also take away some of the incredible, well-informed and entertaining hosts that have graced the airwaves of CBC Radio 2, and that I have personally come to enjoy over a number of years, including Tom Allen, Jurgen Gothe, Eric Friesen, Howard Dyck, Peter Togni, the late Bob Kerr and Otto Lowy, as well as many others.
Ces modifications nous priveront aussi des excellents animateurs, des animateurs bien renseignés et divertissants, qui ont honoré Radio 2 de leur présence et que, pour ma part, j'ai aimé écouter au fil des ans, notamment Tom Allen, Jurgen Gothe, Eric Friesen, Howard Dyck, Peter Togni, le regretté Bob Kerr et Otto Lowy, parmi tant d'autres.