The programme will be run by 25 expatriate technicians and 200 Khmer, Lao and Thai technicians trained for this purpose/.- 2 - Pre-training and technical training programme for Hmong refugees in the Ban Vinai camp on the Lao border organized by the non-governmental organization "Ecoles sans Frontieres" (ESF) - 235.000 ECUs This programme concerns the Hmong ethnic group. Some 45. 000 Hmong refugees are living in the Ban Vinai camp, where they have temporarily taken refuge.
L'encadrement est assure par 25 techniciens expatries et 200 techniciens khmers, laotiens et thais formes entretemps/. - 2 - Programme de preformation et formation technique pour les refugies Hmong dans le camp de Ban Vinai, a la frontieredu Laos, organise par l'ONG Ecoles sans Frontieres (ESF) - 235.000 ecu Le programme concerne l'ethnie Hmong dont environ 45.000 refugies vivent dans le camp de Ban Vinai, ou ils ont trouve un asile temporaire.