n view of what is going on in Iraq, I feel rather ashamed, two years further on, of having been in the
Azores, arm in arm with George Bush’; if, at any time, you had told us that, in view of what is currently
going on in your own country’s society following your reforms, you were questioning the way in which you had carried out those reforms; and if, at any time, we had been able to feel that you could see what our prob
lems were, we would have been able ...[+++] to say: ‘He knows how to communicate and how to change; we have to give him a chance’.
Et me retrouver aux Açores dans les bras de Bush, deux ans après, j’ai un peu honte de cette situation, vu ce qui se passe en Irak». Si, à un moment donné, vous nous aviez dit, vu ce qui se passe socialement dans votre pays aujourd’hui après vos réformes, que vous mettiez en doute la manière dont vous aviez mené ces réformes; si, à un moment, nous nous étions sentis reconnus dans nos problèmes, nous aurions pu dire: «Comme il sait bien communiquer et comme il sait changer, il faut lui donner une chance».