As the Conservative Party heads into its national convention at the end of next month in Calgary, I would like to thank Menno Froese, Marshall Neufeld, Gord Elliott, Sam Magnus, Simon Chapelle, Cecil Taylor, Kara Johnson and Sophie Allard, who are finishing their volunteer service as national councillors, and our party president, John Walsh, for the incredible amount of work and heart that they give to our country.
À l'approche du congrès national du Parti conservateur, qui se tiendra à Calgary à la fin du mois prochain, je tiens à remercier Menno Froese, Marshall Neufeld, Gord Elliott, Sam Magnus, Simon Chapelle, Cecil Taylor, Kara Johnson et Sophie Allard, qui quitteront sous peu leur poste bénévole de conseiller national, ainsi que le président de notre parti, John Walsh.