Recalls its conclusion of 29 April 1993,
according to which detailed criteria and mechanisms should be established for cost-effective implementation and improved management of the Framework Programme in order to ensure that its objectives are fully met; reaffirms also its emphasis on the need for the improvement of procedures for systematic, independent and timely evaluation of the Framework Programme; 2. Welcomes in this respect t
he initiatives undertaken by the Commission with a view to improving the management of the EC research
...[+++]programmes and encourages the Commission to develop further such initiatives in time for the implementation of the Fourth Framework Programme; 3. Emphasizes that procedures and tools for programme implementation should as far as possible be simplified and harmonized in order to facilitate participation in Community research programmes, particularly by SMEs, and to allow for smooth, transparent and timely implementation of the Framework Programme; welcomes in this respect the circulation by the Commission of information bulletins on a regular basis; 4. Would welcome in particular, without prejudice to the quality and transparency of the selection procedure, improvements in specific areas, such as the shortening of delays between deadlines for receipt of proposals and start of selected projects and the provision of information to applicants on non-selected proposals; 5. Takes note of the Commission's intention to assess in further detail the possible benefits and disadvantages of decentralized management and possible further concrete measures that could be taken in this field, so as to enable Council to take a view on this issue as soon as possible; 6. Considers that possible new types of activities, for example thematic networks of excellence, concertation networks and consortia for integrated projects, as proposed by the Commission, need to be clarified further; 7. Reaffirms the importance of the role of programme committees in th ...Recalls its conclusion of 29 April 1993,
according to which detailed criteria and mechanisms should be established for cost-effective implementation and improved management of the Framework Programme in order to ensure that its objectives are fully met; reaffirms also its emphasis on the need for the improvement of procedures for systematic, independent and timely evaluation of the Framework Programme; 2. Welcomes in this respect t
he initiatives undertaken by the Commission with a view to improving the management of the EC research
...[+++]programmes and encourages the Commission to develop further such initiatives in time for the implementation of the 4th Framework Programme; 3. Emphasizes that procedures and tools for programme implementation should as far as possible be simplified and harmonised in order to facilitate participation in Community research programmes, particularly by SMEs, and to allow for smooth, transparent and timely implementation of the Framework Programme; welcomes in this respect the circulation by the Commission of information bulletins on a regular basis; 4. Would welcome in particular, without prejudice to the quality and transparency of the selection procedure, improvements in specific areas, such as the shortening of delays between deadlines for receipt of proposals and start of selected projects and the provision of information to applicants on non-selected proposals; 5. Takes note of the Commission's intention to assess in further detail the possible benefits and disadvantages of decentralised management and possible further concrete measures that could be taken in this field, so as to enable Council to take a view on this issue as soon as possible; 6. Considers that possible new types of activities, for example thematic networks of excellence, concertation networks and consortia for integrated projects, as proposed by the Commission, need to be clarified further; 7. Reaffirms the importance of the role of programme committees in the m ...